Results for 'Paul R. Torke'

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  1.  31
    The Content of Hope in Ambulatory Patients with Colon Cancer.Emily S. Beckman, Paul R. Helft & Alexia M. Torke - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (2):153-164.
    Although hope is a pervasive concept in cancer treatment, we know little about how ambulatory patients with cancer define or experience hope. We explored hope through semistructured interviews with ten patients with advanced (some curable, some incurable) colon cancer at one Midwestern, university–based cancer center. We conducted a thematic analysis to identify key concepts related to patient perceptions of hope. Although we did ask specifically about hope, patients also often revealed their hopes in response to indirect questions or by telling (...)
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    Development and Retrospective Review of a Pediatric Ethics Consultation Service at a Large Academic Center.Brian D. Leland, Lucia D. Wocial, Kurt Drury, Courtney M. Rowan, Paul R. Helft & Alexia M. Torke - 2020 - HEC Forum 32 (3):269-281.
    The primary objective was to review pediatric ethics consultations at a large academic health center over a nine year period, assessing demographics, ethical issues, and consultant intervention. The secondary objective was to describe the evolution of PECs at our institution. This was a retrospective review of Consultation Summary Sheets compiled for PECs at our Academic Health Center between January 2008 and April 2017. There were 165 PECs reviewed during the study period. Most consult requests came from the inpatient setting, with (...)
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    Long-term mutual training for the cybathlon bci race with a tetraplegic pilot: A case study on inter-session transfer and intra-session adaptation.Lea Hehenberger, Reinmar J. Kobler, Catarina Lopes-Dias, Nitikorn Srisrisawang, Peter Tumfart, John B. Uroko, Paul R. Torke & Gernot R. Müller-Putz - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    CYBATHLON is an international championship where people with severe physical disabilities compete with the aid of state-of-the-art assistive technology. In one of the disciplines, the BCI Race, tetraplegic pilots compete in a computer game race by controlling an avatar with a brain-computer interface. This competition offers a perfect opportunity for BCI researchers to study long-term training effects in potential end-users, and to evaluate BCI performance in a realistic environment. In this work, we describe the BCI system designed by the team (...)
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    The Factual Reference of Theological Assertions: PAUL R. CLIFFORD.Paul R. Clifford - 1967 - Religious Studies 3 (1):339-346.
    Professor Kai Nielsen is one of the most forceful proponents of the view that theological assertions have no factual reference because they are compatible with any empirical state of affairs; no evidence, it is alleged, is allowed to count as falsification of such assertions, and therefore they spuriously purport to be what they are not. In this he follows the well-known essay by Professor Antony Flew in which the same argument was advanced, and Nielsen's own most recent contribution on the (...)
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    Lectures on Boolean Algebras.Paul R. Halmos - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (2):253-254.
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    Toward a Mechanistic Account of Extended Cognition.Paul R. Smart - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (8):1107-1135.
    There have been a number of attempts to apply mechanism-related concepts to the notion of extended cognition. Such accounts appeal to the idea that extended cognitive routines are realized by mechanisms that transcend some salient border or boundary. The present paper describes some of the challenges confronting the effort to develop a mechanistic account of extended cognition. In particular, it describes five problems that must be resolved if we are to make sense of the idea that extended cognition can be (...)
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    The total evidence theorem for probability kinematics.Paul R. Graves - 1989 - Philosophy of Science 56 (2):317-324.
    L. J. Savage and I. J. Good have each demonstrated that the expected utility of free information is never negative for a decision maker who updates her degrees of belief by conditionalization on propositions learned for certain. In this paper Good's argument is generalized to show the same result for a decision maker who updates her degrees of belief on the basis of uncertain information by Richard Jeffrey's probability kinematics. The Savage/Good result is shown to be a special case of (...)
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    Arc consistency: parallelism and domain dependence.Paul R. Cooper & Michael J. Swain - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 58 (1-3):207-235.
  9.  16
    Augustine and the Cure of Souls: Revising a Classical Ideal.Paul R. Kolbet - 2009 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    __Augustine and the Cure of Souls __situates Augustine within the ancient philosophical tradition of using words to order emotions. Paul Kolbet uncovers a profound continuity in Augustine's thought, from his earliest pre-baptismal writings to his final acts as bishop, revealing a man deeply indebted to the Roman past and yet distinctly Christian. Rather than supplanting his classical learning, Augustine's Christianity reinvigorated precisely those elements of Roman wisdom that he believed were slipping into decadence. In particular, Kolbet addresses the manner (...)
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  10. (1 other version)Mandevillian Intelligence.Paul R. Smart - 2018 - Synthese 195 (9):4169-4200.
    Mandevillian intelligence is a specific form of collective intelligence in which individual cognitive vices are seen to play a positive functional role in yielding collective forms of cognitive success. The present paper introduces the concept of mandevillian intelligence and reviews a number of strands of empirical research that help to shed light on the phenomenon. The paper also attempts to highlight the value of the concept of mandevillian intelligence from a philosophical, scientific and engineering perspective. Inasmuch as we accept the (...)
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  11. Do Events Have Their Parts Essentially?Paul R. Daniels & Dana Goswick - 2017 - Acta Analytica 32 (3):313-320.
    We argue that mereological essentialism for events is independent of mereological essentialism for objects, and that the philosophical fallout of embracing mereological essentialism for events is minimal. We first outline what we should consider to be the parts of events, and then highlight why one would naturally be inclined to think that the object-question and the event-question are linked. Then, we argue that they are not. We also diagnose why this is the case and emphasize the upshot. In particular, we (...)
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  12. Concepts and conceptual change.Paul R. Thagard - 1990 - Synthese 82 (2):255-74.
    This paper argues that questions concerning the nature of concepts that are central in cognitive psychology are also important to epistemology and that there is more to conceptual change than mere belief revision. Understanding of epistemic change requires appreciation of the complex ways in which concepts are structured and organized and of how this organization can affect belief revision. Following a brief summary of the psychological functions of concepts and a discussion of some recent accounts of what concepts are, I (...)
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    The Haunting Fetus: Abortion, Sexuality, and the Spirit World in Taiwan.Paul R. Katz & Marc L. Moskowitz - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (1):231.
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  14. The best explanation: Criteria for theory choice.Paul R. Thagard - 1978 - Journal of Philosophy 75 (2):76-92.
  15.  33
    Algebraic Logic, I. Monadic Boolean Algebras.Paul R. Halmos - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (2):219-222.
  16.  45
    Darwin and Whewell.Paul R. Thagard - 1977 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 8 (4):353.
  17.  44
    Mencius in the Han Dynasty.Paul R. Goldin - 2023 - In Yang Xiao & Kim-Chong Chong (eds.), Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius. Springer. pp. 49-61.
    This chapter reviews the aspects of Mencius that did and did not interest Han-dynasty writers. With the help of digital concordances, it is easy to discover that many of the passages considered crucial today were rarely, if ever, cited in the Han. These include the parable of the infant about to fall into a well (2A.6), the debate with a Mohist named Yi Zhi 夷之 (3A.5), and the concept of liangzhi 良知 (7A.15), which, since Wang Yangming 王陽明 (1472–1528), has been (...)
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  18. Fractured foundations: The contradiction between Locke's ontology and his moral philosophy.Paul R. Dehart - 2012 - Locke Studies 12:111-148.
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  19. What Happens to the Present When it Becomes the Past: Time Travel and the Nature of Time in The Langoliers.Paul R. Daniels - 2016 - In Jacob M. Held (ed.), Stephen King and Philosophy. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    In The Langoliers, passengers on an airline flight wake to find that they’ve mysteriously travelled a few minutes back in time… a few minutes behind everyone else. They find that the world still exists, after ‘the present’ has moved on, but only for a short duration before the Langoliers—the timekeepers of eternity—arrive to remove it permanently from existence. This story prompts two interesting questions: How should we understand the nature of time in The Langoliers? Could the nature of time in (...)
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  20.  30
    Taoism and the Arts of China.Paul R. Katz, Stephen Little & Shawn Eichman - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):141.
  21. Borden Parker Bowne and F. R. Tennant.Paul R. Helsel - 1955 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 36 (1):47.
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    Rendering mental disorders intelligible: addressing psychiatry's urgent challenge.Paul R. McHugh - 2012 - In Kenneth S. Kendler & Josef Parnas (eds.), Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry Ii: Nosology. Oxford University Press. pp. 42--53.
  23.  73
    Sweeping Endurantism Is a Micharacterization of Endurantism.Paul R. Daniels - 2017 - American Philosophical Quarterly 54 (3):295-302.
    Endurantism is commonly characterized as a sweeping thesis, according to which enduring objects persist by sweeping or moving through time. I argue that the endurantist should resist this characterization as it makes her view incompatible with eternalism, the moving spotlight theory, and the growing block theory. Moreover, even the presentist endurantist should resist this characterization as it undermines the modal analogy. As a result, those who argue against endurantism should avoid characterizing endurantism in this way. Through this discussion we can (...)
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  24.  74
    Frames, knowledge, and inference.Paul R. Thagard - 1984 - Synthese 61 (2):233 - 259.
  25.  60
    Argument deletion without events.Paul R. Graves - 1993 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 34 (4):607-620.
  26.  31
    The Flight from science and reason.Paul R. Gross, Norman Levitt & Martin W. Lewis (eds.) - 1996 - New York N.Y.: The New York Academy of Sciences.
    "Evidence of a flight from reason is as old as human record-keeping: the fact of it certainly goes back an even longer way. Flight from science specifically, among the forms of rational inquiry, goes back as far as science itself... But rejection of reason is now a pattern to be found in most branches of scholarship and in all the learned professions."--from the introduction In the widely acclaimed Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quarrels with Science, Paul R. (...)
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  27. Political philosophy after the collapse of classical, epistemic foundationalism.Paul R. DeHart - 2014 - In Paul R. DeHart & Carson Holloway (eds.), Reason, Revelation, and the Civic Order: Political Philosophy and the Claims of Faith. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press.
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    Linear orderings under one-one reducibility.Paul R. Young - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (1):70-85.
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    Heng Xian and the Problem of Studying Looted Artifacts.Paul R. Goldin - 2013 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 12 (2):153-160.
    Heng Xian is a previously unknown text reconstructed by Chinese scholars out of a group of more than 1,200 inscribed bamboo strips purchased by the Shanghai Museum on the Hong Kong antiquities market in 1994. The strips have all been assigned an approximate date of 300 B.C.E., and Heng Xian allegedly consists of thirteen of them, but each proposed arrangement of the strips is marred by unlikely textual transitions. The most plausible hypothesis is one that Chinese scholars do not appear (...)
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  30. Hugo Black and Judicial Lawmaking: Forty Years in Retrospect.Paul R. Baier - 2009 - Nexus - Chapman's Journal of Law & Policy 14:3.
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    An autobiography of polyadic algebras.Paul R. Halmos - 2000 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 8 (4):383-392.
  32. Power in Shangjun shu: A Linguistic Perspective.Paul R. Goldin - 2023 - Bochumer Jahrbuch Zur Ostasienforschung 46:45-58.
    Shangjun shu, a text that is especially rich in nuanced keywords, coordinates different types of power in significant sequences. Comprehending the philosophy of the text therefore requires comprehending the semantics and etymologies of these keywords. The present article is not a comprehensive discussion of power in Shangjun shu but affords a glimpse of the value of historical linguistics for a deeper understanding of philosophy and conceptual history.
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    Response to editor.Paul R. Goldin - 2011 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38 (2):328-329.
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    Facilitated Ethics Conversations.Paul R. Helft, Patricia D. Bledsoe, Maureen Hancock & Lucia D. Wocial - 2009 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 11 (1):27-33.
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    The Unity of Peirce's Theory of Hypothesis.Paul R. Thagard - 1977 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 13 (2):112 - 121.
  36.  11
    Ethik in Freiheit: zur Grundlegung politischen Denkens bei Karl Jaspers.Paul R. Tarmann - 2016 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition.
    Der Autor zeigt auf, dass die Idee der Freiheit fur Karl Jaspers die Grundlage seines politischen Denkens und seiner politischen Ethik darstellt. Jaspers beschreibt, dass der Mensch aus Freiheit und Verantwortung heraus handeln soll, wobei die Motivatoren dafur Vernunft und Liebe seien. So kann der unbedingten Forderung entsprochen werden. Auch in der Politik soll diese Maxime umgesetzt werden. Dementsprechend ist Ethik in Freiheit die Grundlegung von Jaspers' politischem Denken. -Der Autor hat uns mit diesem Buch Karl Jaspers und seine Idee (...)
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  37.  13
    Nature’s Lawgiver.Paul R. DeHart - 2017 - Catholic Social Science Review 22:53-71.
    H. L. A. Hart famously claimed that part of the appeal of natural law “doctrine” is the “independence” of natural law from divine and human authority. God, according to Hart, is not necessary to natural law. By way of contrast, J. Budziszewski argues that natural law really is law and that law qua law requires an enactor. Moreover, the only plausible candidate for the enactor of natural law as law is the author of nature—that is, God. In this essay I (...)
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  38.  70
    Gandhi, Satyagraha and the Israel-Palestine Conflict.Paul R. Dekar - 2007 - The Acorn 13 (2):21-30.
  39. Coherent and creative conceptual combinations.Paul R. Thagard - 1997 - In T. B. Ward, S. M. Smith & J. Vaid (eds.), Creative Thought: An Investigation of Conceptual Structures and Processes. American Psychological Association.
    Conceptual combinations range from the utterly mundane to the sublimely creative. Mundane combinations include a myriad of adjective-noun and noun-noun juxtapositions that crop up in everyday speaking and writing, such as blue car, cooked carrots, and radio phone. Creative combinations include some of the most important theoretical constructions in science, such as sound wave, bacterial infection, and natural selection. Both mundane and creative conceptual combinations are essential to our attempts to make sense of the world and people's utterances about it. (...)
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    Presentism & Passage.Paul R. Daniels - 2022 - Metaphysica 23 (2):369-384.
    According to the presentist, only the present moment exists and, as time passes, what’s present changes. However some argue that, if only one moment exists, the presentist cannot explain the passage of time. While the presentist historically appeals to surrogates—proxies which exist in the present but play the role of non-existent past times—to evade this sort of worry, the appeal to surrogates has come under renewed attack from Lisa Leininger. But hope is not lost for the presentist. I argue that (...)
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  41.  25
    The Basic Concepts of Algebraic Logic.Paul R. Halmos - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (2):223-223.
  42.  20
    "Re-Bell-" Compounds, The.Paul R. Murphy - 1949 - Classical Weekly 43:71.
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  43. Mereology.Paul R. Daniels - 2016 - Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy.
    This peer reviewed reference article is an annotated online bibliography on mereology with 80+ entries. It's aim is to provide a selective and balanced guide to the subject. It contains thematic headings with commentaries. The reader should come away cognizant of what the most influential work in mereology are. Topics highlighted herein include, but are not limited to: the history of mereology, classical extensional mereology and its challenges, parthood, connections with location relations, mereological simples and gunk, composition as identity, as (...)
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  44.  34
    Appeals to history in early chinese philosophy and rhetoric.Paul R. Goldin - 2008 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35 (1):79–96.
  45.  47
    Selective nontreatment and spina bifida: A case study in ethical theory and application.Paul R. Johnson - 1981 - Journal of Medical Humanities 3 (2):91-111.
    Defective newborn children are to be considered human persons. Thus, primary duty in proxy consent is to act with the infant's best interest in mind. This duty may at times override the otherwise prima facie right to life, but only under restricted circumstances. Refinements of McCormick's “relational potential” criteria and of ordinary-extraordinary means analysis prove useful in such decisions. Utilitarian considerations of social consequences have impact but can be kept subsidiary. The importance for decision making of available child support services (...)
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    A Problem with the Traveller’s Dilemma.Paul R. Daniels - 2021 - Philosophical Investigations 45 (2):146-160.
    Philosophical Investigations, Volume 45, Issue 2, Page 146-160, April 2022.
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  47. Reason and will in natural law.Paul R. DeHart - 2013 - In Bryan T. McGraw, Jesse David Covington & Micah Joel Watson (eds.), Natural law and evangelical political thought. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    The Reception and Evolution of Foucault's Political Philosophy.Paul R. Patton - 2018 - Kritike 12 (2):1-21.
    With the benefit of the complete publication of Foucault’s lectures at the Collège de France, the reception of his work by political philosophers in the English-speaking world during the late 1970s and early 1980s appears extremely confused. This reception was based on the English translations of work published in the mid-1970s, chiefly Discipline and Punish and The History of Sexuality Volume One, along with collections of interviews from the same period. The misunderstandings of those works were compounded by ignorance of (...)
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  49. In defense of the demonstrative/indexical distinction.Paul R. Berckmans - 1990 - Logique Et Analyse 33 (132):191-201.
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  50. Linguistic Action, Reference, and Nonverbal Communication.Paul R. Berckmans - 1989 - Dissertation, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    Philosophers of action have rarely systematically thought about acts of communication as special sorts of actions, nor have speech act theorists looked on the bearings of the general theory to action on linguistic acts. This dissertation represents an attempt to work seriously within precisely that intersection of action theory and speech act theory. Some problematic issues in both areas can, from this combined perspective, be reformulated more clearly than they have been previously articulated. ;The first part of the thesis examines (...)
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